Working from home during the coronavirus can be very challenging for many people. When you are at the office, your focus is on work and the task at hand. But at home, there are many distractions working against your productivity and sapping your energy. It is often much easier to put off work until the next day and relax on the couch watching your favourite television shows. This means no work gets done and you could end up farther behind and more tired as a result.

To cure the work from home lack of energy and focus, you need a healthy, nutritious snack. Whether you reach for a bag of mixed nuts or dried fruit, or you chop up some fresh vegetables, you want to choose brain boosting, high energy snacks.

And, with that being said, we are going to share some healthy, nutritious snacks that will help you focus and give you the energy you need to get through your day. Let’s take a look:

Healthy, Nutritious Snacks For More Energy And Better Focus

Bananas- bananas are rich in potassium. One medium-sized banana gives you 36 grams of simple and complex carbohydrates. With its low glycaemic index, carbohydrates in banana is released slowly in your body. This prevents sugar crashes and keeps you energised longer.

Boiled Cassava- also called manioc or yuca, cassava boiled in lightly salted water is a satisfying snack. It’s ultra-starchy and feeling full longer with cassava is easy.  Cassava starch or tapioca is a versatile ingredient for many great snack recipes.

Dried Fruit- dried fruit is naturally sweet and high in dietary fibre that keeps you feeling satisfied. Dried fruit strengthens our bones with calcium, magnesium and potassium. Dried fruits from Chandra Foods are easy to carry and consumed as snack.

Greek Yogurt- Greek yogurt is rich in protein and calcium. When eaten with nuts, strawberries, apple or raspberry, it’s a super-satisfying snack. It makes eating fresh fruits and nuts more enjoyable, so you can get enough dietary fibre each day.

Nuts- nuts are often thought as an unhealthy snack because they are high in fat and typically coated in salt. However, nuts also contain protein and the fats in nuts are healthy fats that are good for you.

Contact Chandra Foods

To learn more about the health benefits of Indian food and how Indian snack foods can give you more energy and focus, contact Chandra Foods and shop a wide selection of high quality traditional Indian foods today!

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